Tuesday 10 July 2012

A Mini Break in Harrogate Part 2

On Sunday, we decided to have a look around Harrogate itself. In the Valley Gardens across the road from the apartment they were having the 'Big Picnic' so we had a look around the various stalls and activities that were going on. One thing that all my family commented on was how friendly the people from Yorkshire seemed to be. Everyone was really willing to have a little chat with you and were very helpful with directions or advice on places to go and see. The picnic had such a lovely family atmosphere and we really enjoyed spending the morning walking the gardens and soaking up the sun!

We then walked further into Harrogate centre and all around the town. It wasn't as big as York and there wasn't so much to see or do but it was still a really pretty place.

We then went back to the apartment for bacon and brie sandwiches and to get all patriotic and support Andy Murray in the Wimbledon final! My mum and sister aren't such a big fan of sport though and they soon got bored so during the rain break in the tennis we went for a walk to Betty's tea rooms at Harlow Carr. It was the third Betty's we had stopped at during the weekend but the only one we had purchased cakes from! It was about a 3 mile round trip walk through the pine woods to Harlow Carr and was lovely. Along the way we got some really great views across Harrogate and the surrounding areas because we were so high up.

We stopped for ice cream on the way back because we were so tired and needed an energy boost! We are so glad we did though because we found the most incredible ice cream parlour called Vanilli's. It was just at the end of our road and we had seen it the evening before but it was all closed up. The ice cream was AMAZING and came in the most incredible flavours. It was all homemade on the premises and I sampled a few different flavours before landing on a scoop of Cookies and Cream and a scoop of Jammie Dodger. Both were so good and made me want to go back for more! My sister had honeycomb and Cherry pie and my mum had Mint Choc Chip.

We had a great few days away and loved our first taste of Yorkshire. Now time to get back into work mode and finish the last 6 weeks of my internship before I jet off to the sun for a couple of holidays! I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. really great pictures, it looks like a really nice place and I love your outfit as well <3

