Sunday 1 July 2012


I've been really impressed with the Graze box that was posted through my letterbox on Thursday morning. Much more impressed than the one I received last year full of nuts and seeds. You can probably tell that I'm not naturally a healthy eater, I love food too much! I have been trying really hard to be healthy though but let's see how long that will last. So Graze has been a god send really, providing me with healthy snacks in perfectly sized little containers that I can pop in my bag before work each day and that satisfy my 3 o'clock afternoon cravings.

I forgot to take a picture of my box when it first arrived (whoops!) so here it is with one of the snacks missing.

The My Thai snack was my favourite one which contains corn snacks with a thai flavouring on them as well as a dipping pot of sweet chilli sauce. It tasted so good!

The other three snacks were all really nice as well though. The summer berry flapjacks were really scrummy. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with flapjacks. I enjoy them if they are moist and full of flavour but I find that if you get a really dry flapjack then it can be really horrible. Although the jaffa cake had hazelnuts in, the orange sultanas and chocolate buttons made them actually taste nice as they complemented each other really well. And finally the Garden of England was really nice. I don't normally like dried fruits but my favourite were the baby strawberries.

They were all really nice and I will definitely keep ordering the box for the forseeable future. Sometimes when I snack on fruit I feel really unsatifisfied after and want to have a biscuit or something but with these snacks I felt really contented :).

Pros of Graze-
  • Comes with a really great little book telling you about the nutritional content of each of your snacks (and to help you remember what you have had when you've thrown the packet away)
  • Encourages you to go on and rate your snacks - Bin, Try, Like and Love - as well as a 'Send Soon' option so you never have to be sent snacks you don't like
  • Fits perfectly through your letterbox so you don't have to worry about being in to receive it
  • It is really easy to change which day your box is delivered, how frequent it is and you can easily delay it if you go on holiday
  • It can be cancelled at any time so you aren't tied into a contract with Graze
  • There are often deals available such as getting your first box free and second and third half price.
  • And when you sign up you get vouchers to give to friends so that they get their first box free too and if any of your friends sign up then you get money off your boxes
  • It is relatively inexpensive even when you have used up all your discounts. I think it is £3.49 per box which for 4 different snacks I don't think is too bad.
Cons of Graze -
  • There are still probably too many nuts or seeds for my liking so hopefully they will continue to extend their range further in to different snacks
  • The 'Send Soon' option isn't available on many of my favourite snacks, maybe because they are too popular, which is annoying as it means I may never get to try them
  • I would imagine that if they have run out of all the foods that you have marked as 'Like' or 'Love' or 'Try' (which is very rare) then you might get sent something you marked as 'Bin'
Rating - 8/10
Reason - I haven't find a similar service to Graze out there and it takes the hassle out of healthy snacking, increasing the variety of foods that you eat. It is great for busy parents or workers who are health conscious but don't have the time to search around for healthy snacks.


  1. This sounds great. I love food, too. I'm currently trying to stick to eating healthier foods than i generally tend to, but it's incredibly difficult. haha.
    Great post!


  2. ive just signed up for graze box too! its such a good idea! :) xo

  3. What an adorable concept! They look so tasty too.

    Sarah x
