Friday 29 June 2012

Holiday Planning

I am crying out for a holiday so badddd! I feel so exhausted at the moment what with going straight from my second year of university and exams into a 12 week internship! A holiday is exactly what the doctor ordered but sadly I have to wait until the end of August to go. When I think about it 10 weeks isn't too long a time and I am really grateful to be going away but I wish it was just that little bit sooner. We are going to Portugal and I'm already excited! Ironically I am scared of flying but I make myself do it because living in England I would go mad if I didn't flee to the sun at least once a year!

Hearing about everyone else's amazing trips abroad have made me crave a holiday this year more than most. So many people at work are either on holiday, have just got back or are going in the next couple of weeks. Being a student many of my friends are also spending the summer interrailing or exploring the world. Part of me wishes I could go too but landing an internship at a marketing agency isn't likely to come round too often so I am grateful for the opportunity I have been given.

As if one holiday to Portugal is not enough, me and my boyfriend are going to book a late deal abroad somewhere in September time once our internships have finished and the schools have gone back. We are hoping that will make it doubly cheap but that we will still have a good choice of places to go. I only have two criteria for my holiday: sunshine and sea.

I created a collage of places I'd love to visit for inspiration and to get me thinking about where we could go...

Top left: Croatia, Top middle: Croatia, Top right: Croatia, Centre left: Tenerife, Centre middle: Italy, Centre right: Lanzarote, Bottom left: Ibiza, Bottom middle: Malta, Bottom right: Italy
Having done a bit research I have been most drawn to Croatia so at the moment it has jumped to the top of my list of destinations to ask the travel agent about

Thursday 28 June 2012

Yo! Sushi

I have been wanting to try out Yo! Sushi for a while now so last week the £2.12 offer in honour of the Olympics came at the perfect time for me to find out what I'd been missing. This offer is only on at 12 Yo! Sushi's across the country until Friday so we were lucky that the one in Birmingham had the offer on. We went on Wednesday evening to try out a selection of their dishes and we weren't disappointed at all!

I had 4 different plates of sushi - Chicken Katsu, Duck Gyoza, Prawn Tempura and Salmon Nigiri. My favourite dish was the Duck Gyoza. It reminded me of duck and hoisin pancakes you get for starters at the chinese but in a little parcel. I also really like how they provide the nutritional information of all their dishes on their website so that if you are trying to be healthy, like me, you can work out which dishes you can eat without feeling too naughty! My selection of dishes came to 500 calories which I think is really good for an evening meal. It also only cost me £8.48 for the food - bargain! The service was great and I thought that it had a really lively and fun atmosphere and the staff were all really friendly and helpful especially as it was our first visit!

Salmon Nigiri (and my child's chopsticks)
Prawn teriyaki
Left: Chicken katsu; Right: Duck gyoza (half eaten)
My final positive about Yo! Sushi is that they do a great offers such as Blue Mondays in which all plates are £2.40 on a Monday or alternatively 25% off for students all year round, Tues-Fri and Sundays. They also do a mega offer called Super Sumo Sundays where you get all you can eat for £19.50 but I don't think I would eat enough to get my money's worth so that one doesn't really appeal to me!

Rating - 9/10
Reason - The food, service and atmosphere were all great. I love the novelty of the conveyor belt and the water taps on your table. The food was so tasty and with their weekly deal nights it was a really affordable meal. Will definitely be paying another visit soon!

Monday 25 June 2012

My Thoughts on Healthier Eating

I have been consciously attempting to eat more healthily recently in preperation for my upcoming summer holiday to Portugal. I find that I always put on weight over christmas, partly because I think our bodies naturally store more fat over the colder months but also because I am less careful about what I eat during the christmas holidays. It doesn't really bother me because everyone wraps up in layers of clothes anyway so putting on a few pounds is hardly noticeable but as the weather gets warmer and everyone starts wearing skimpier outfits I always become more body conscious and try to eat more healthily.

I wouldn't say I particularly have a bad diet even when I just eat whatever I want when I want but when I'm at uni and over my summer last year I did go to the gym about 4 times a week so I could be quite flexible with what I ate. Sadly due to my internship I just won't have enough time to make it worth me getting a gym membership for three months over the summer so instead I am eating more healthily. I am trying to walk to and from work when the weathers nice (this has only occured twice over the first two weeks of my internship thanks to the rain) which takes about 35 minutes each way at a brisk walking pace. I have also been going out running with my dad at the weekends.

I am not one to agree with 'fad' diets like those that 'celebrities' such as Lauren Goodger from TOWIE use to lose weight. I think they are quite an irresponsible way of losing weight and that as soon as they go back to eating normal food they will just pile the pounds back on quickly. Instead, I think it is better to make subtle changes to your diet but ones that can be sustained so that you lose weight gradually and don't feel like you are depriving yourself.

Therefore, I have made some amendments to my everyday food consumption in an attempt to lose a few pounds for the summer and feel more body confident. One of the hardest changes I have made is to cut out my family's weekly saturday night chinese takeaway mainly because they still have it but instead I cook myself a home made chinese dish. It really did take a lot of will power at the beginning but now I really look forward to having my healthier chinese meal and even prefer it to the takeaway! This is the only drastic change I would say I have made to my diet as I haven't cut any other food out completely as I think it is too unrealistic.

Normally I make my own salad in the morning for lunch before I go to work so then I don't have to spend an outrageous amount of money buying one from a shop during my lunch break and I know exactly what is going into my salad. Typically my salad has around 250 calories in it but is really yummy and I feel really full after it.

Being at uni has made me realise how much I enjoy cooking and love food so most evenings I will come home from my internship and cook my family's evening meal. This is also partly so that my mum gets a rest in the evenings after a busy day of work. Typical meals I cook include a variety of stirfrys, currys, salmon with pesto, lasagne, shepherds pie and sometimes fajitas as a treat.

Other changes I have made include cutting down on the amount of bread and potatoes I eat. This has partly been helped by having salads rather than sandwiches or jacket potatoes for lunch. Also when we have a sunday roast I will either have a small amount of mashed potato or sweet potato rather than a pile of roast potatoes. When I go for meals out now I always tend to check online at the restaurant's website before I go as most of them nowadays have their calories listed for each meal which allows me to see which are the healthier options on the menu. We only go out for special occassions so I will often just choose whatever I want without even considering the healthiness of the meal but having started looking at the calories for each sometimes I don't think it is worth having a really calorific meal when I would enjoy one much lower in calories just as much. The amount of calories in some of the meals that restaurants serve up does really shock me as they contain over 1000 calories in just one main course!

My main problem area was snacking. I found it really hard to snack healthily and I am not one of those people that can go for 4 or 5 hours between meals without eating anything. Snacks that I eat now include apples, grapes, yoghurts and cereal bars. I have also replaced crisps with salt and vinegar snack-a-jacks because they are much healthier and I prefer the taste of them. Finally, I have reduced the amount of chocolate/cake/puddings/sweet things that I eat which was really hard as I would naturally go to our 'treat' cupboard if I was ever hungry or once I'd finished my meal. I have now trained myself not to do this instinctively but do still have the occassional treat if I am really craving one.

This post was really just to highlight that people can still lose weight without going on one of these fitness bootcamps or crash diets and in a way which is much more sympathetic to your body as it does not cause it serious damage. Since I have been eating more healthily I have managed to lose just under half a stone and I really don't feel like I am missing out on anything as if I really want something then I will go ahead and have it!

Saturday 23 June 2012

My Busy Day

Since I moved home from uni for the summer a couple of weeks ago I have been working on my internship at a marketing agency near to my house. It's been really intense since I went straight from exams into the internship so I was really relieved to take the day off yesterday even if it was to travel back to Nottingham to collect my results for 2nd year. I also had to do one last clean of my room in my student house so that I could hand my keys back to my landlord. I'm moving to a different house next year with a few different girls which I'm really excited about so I couldn't leave anything in Nottingham and had to bring it all home with me.

After packing everything up we headed back home and no sooner had we arrived than me and my boyfriend had gotten straight on the train into Birmingham to go shopping. Due to my busy workload I haven't really had any chance to go clothes shopping for the past 2 months so I was dying to go! The main purpose of our shopping trip however was to buy a present for my boyfriend's sister whose birthday it is today. Happy Birthday Laura if you ever read this!

We then rushed over to Laura's flat in the Mailbox in Birmingham to give her the presents we'd bought her and then all made a mad dash back to my boyfriend's house so that we could get ready to go out for a meal in the evening. We went to a meditteranean restaurant called Ego in Lichfield which we'd been to once before and loved the first time. Once again, it lived up to our expectations and the food was yummy, the atmosphere lively and the view across the lake lovely. So all in all it was a very enjoyable but hectic day. Now I'm looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow before we go out in the evening to celebrate Laura's birthday in a few bars in Birmingham.

Thursday 21 June 2012

My Very First Post

Hi! I'm Emily. I've been reading lifestyle and fashion blogs for over a year now and have toyed with the idea of creating my own but I've been a bit apprehensive. However, I decided to take the plunge and start my own blog, a little place to call my own online.
So, a little bit about me: I'm a 20 year old student studying at Nottingham University but originally from a suburb in Birmingham. I've just finished my second year at uni and have moved back home for the Summer. I'm interested in working in marketing when I graduate so thought that a blog would be a great way to start getting a bit more creative. I love reading lifestyle, fashion and beauty blogs and my evenings involve flicking through some of my favourites to see what new content has been posted since I last checked! I know what I enjoy about other blogs so I will hopefully bear that in mind before I post. That said, I am planning on posting all different kind of content on my blog - I don't want to restrict myself to any areas and I'm excited to see which direction my blog takes me. I haven't got any expectations about this blog and I've only set one mini goal which is that I hope my happiness comes across in my posts.